Flower Facts for Kids - Flowers for Every Occasion, Birthday, or Funeral

Flowers are just about every place we look, whether it’s in our yard, at a park, beside a country road, or decorating the median of a highway. Their palette of rainbow colors, from bright yellow and deep purple to subtle lavender and soft pink, inspires creativity through artwork, floral designs and craft projects.


This perennial flower shines in the flower kingdom with its delicate white petals and brilliant yellow center. They make a striking contrast, highlighting other flowers in the garden, and make long-lasting bouquets.


Found throughout North America, this hardy flower survives in a variety of climates, from cool forests to open prairies. Flowers prefer full sun but do well in partial shade, making them a versatile flower.


Periwinkles bloom in a variety of colors during the summer months. Blooms are white, pink, and deep purple. It is an old species, dating back to medieval times. The periwinkle is also used in herbal medicines.


These cheerful flowers, with their smiling faces, are found in gardens as well as growing wild in the forest. The bold colors make the flower the perfect choice for borders and window boxes.

Nodding Bur Marigold

Not your traditional garden variety, the Nodding bur marigold does best in moist habitats such as riverbanks and swamps. The “nodding” refers to the flower head, comprised of a central disk surrounded by yellow petals. It is a favorite food source for waterfowl.


A very popular flower for gardens and floral arrangements, the colorful carnation has a delightful fragrance and a unique look, with clusters of ragged-edge petals. The flower has a long history as a Mediterranean native. Flowers are used to adorn the traditional Hawaiian lei.


Zinnias love full sun and moist soil, producing short-stem varieties as well as plants towering several feet tall with double, semi-double and single blooms. Zinnias are a flower of choice when creating a butterfly garden.


This tropical flower comes in assorted colors and is grown as a single-petal or double-petal flower. Colors range from deep yellow, red-orange, and tangerine to deep blue and black cherry. Hibiscus can grow in northern states as well as southern climates.


As a bordering flower, producer of edible seeds, and source of healthy cooking oil, the sunflower stands tall in any garden landscape. The thousands of seeds in the flower’s center are dried and processed as a healthy snack. Sunflower seeds are a favorite food source for wildlife.


One of the most well-known flowers in the world, the rose is available in a wide range of colors, from red to black. Each color has its own special meaning.


Like the violet/viola, pansies offer a spectrum of colors along with silky petals and “monkey faces.” Best grown in spring and fall in full sun, these delicate beauties grow well in hanging baskets, container pots, and window boxes.


The word lavender derives from the Old French word for “to wash.” Lavender flowers are used for bouquets, sachets, oils, and potpourri, and as a disinfectant. Native to the Mediterranean region, the plants prefer full sun and well-drained soil.

Easter Lily

One of the first lilies that come to mind is the trumpet-shaped Easter Lily, but there are other species. The Oriental and Asiatic varieties grow from bulbs, and the Yellow Pond Lily, a native water flower, grows from roots in ponds and lakes.

Sweet Peas

These easy-to-grow flowers with their fluffy petals and pleasant fragrance make exceptional displays outdoors and colorful indoor floral arrangements. Use caution, as sweet peas are poisonous.


This Old World flower has a long history in Holland, where thousands of acres are dedicated to cultivating the elegant bulbs and flowers.


Another species that grows from a bulb, daffodils are spring bloomers. This species is also known as the narcissus flower.


This prolific flowering vine was named in the 18th century after Dr. F. Allamanda. The poisonous vine produces bright yellow tubular flowers on vines up to 50 feet in length.

Morning Glory

A vigorous vine with colorful flowers, the morning glory features deep purple and pale blue to stark white and bicolor flowers. Morning glories work well planted in the garden or container pots with vine support.


Part of the buttercup family, these delicate blue flowers reside along a thin stem, giving them a look of whimsy as they blow in a breeze. Also known as larkspur, the flower is toxic.


The Petunia X hybrida, commonly known as the petunia, makes its seasonal debut in the spring. Soft petals in an array of colors are favorites as border plants and hanging baskets.


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