
Do you have a friend, colleague, or loved one who is interested in birds, bird-watching, nature photography, or ornithology? Buy birdhouse gifts from Kremp Florist and treat the bird enthusiast in your life. We carry edible and decorative birdhouses of different sizes made from various materials, such as wood, metal, and even gourd.

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In addition to making a great gift, our birdhouses are perfect outdoor décor, not to mention that you will be providing a safe shelter for birds. You can even buy one for yourself and take up bird-watching! This is a popular, relaxing, and inexpensive activity that allows you to be in touch with nature.

Birdhouses for Backyard Fun

You can turn your backyard into a sanctuary for birds when you buy birdhouse gifts from Kremp Florist. Our edible birdhouses serve as both a shelter and a food source for your feathered friends. Each edible birdhouse is handcrafted from white pine and is covered with high-quality seeds that will attract a variety of birds, including blue jays, buntings, cardinals, chickadees, doves, finches, goldfinches, nuthatches, pine siskins, songbirds, sparrows, woodpeckers, and more. Habanero peppers are included, which can help to keep away squirrels without affecting the birds themselves. Once all of the seeds have been eaten, houses can be re-seeded so you and your winged companions can enjoy your edible birdhouse for many years to come.

In addition to edible birdhouses, we also sell decorative birdhouses made out of wood with a metal roof. These birdhouses are as beautiful as they are functional, and they make a great addition to any yard, garden, farm, park, or orchard. For a colorful and unique birdhouse, select one made from gourd. Our gourd birdhouses are available in several different colors and feature a heavy-duty rawhide strap for hanging and water holes in the base for drainage. In addition to providing shelter and protection, our gourd birdhouses will surely give your yard character. For more outdoor décor, you can browse our online gift shop and find a garden stone, fountain, wind chime, or statue to create a peaceful outdoor sanctuary. There is nothing quite as relaxing as standing outside, breathing in the fresh air, and marveling at the many wonders of nature!

If you have any questions about your order, feel free to contact Kremp Florist at 1-800-34-KREMP.

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