The earth contains a variety of biomes or environments each with their own features. A few examples of the earth's biomes include taigas, tundras, deserts, and grasslands. Some of the features that define a biome are its plant life, animal life, climate, and landforms. The living things within a biome have special adaptations that allow it to live in that environment. The following article offers information and further resources for students interested in learning about the earth's biomes.
Biomes of the World
Rainforest - To many people the environment of a rainforest is easy to imagine. There are two types of this biome including the tropical and temperate rainforest. They both have a lot of green vegetation as well as a great deal of rainfall. Many species of animals make their home in these wet environments.
Tundra - Frozen ground is the main feature of a tundra biome. There is very little rainfall on a tundra and it is very cold. One of the most recognizable animals that lives on the tundra is a polar bear. These bears have adapted to living in the frozen environment of the tundra. Some people are surprised to learn about the plant life that grows on the tundra in the summertime. Lichen and cotton grass are two examples of tundra plant life.
Grasslands - The grasslands are a huge expanse of grass that grows with just the right amount of annual rainfall. This biome is home to giraffes, lions, prairie dogs, and many other species. There are three types of environments that fall within the category of grasslands. Short grass, tall grass, and mixed grass are all considered part of the grassland biome.
Desert - A desert biome is interesting in that it is cool at nighttime, but is hot during the daylight hours. The environment of deserts is dry with very little precipitation. Some of the animals that have adapted to the desert climate are the Gila monster, the cactus wren, and the sidewinder snake. In addition, as far as plant life goes, it's hard to picture a desert without seeing a cactus.
Temperate - A temperate biome brings to mind a temperate deciduous forest. This biome gets a lot of rainfall that allows its trees to grow. The leaves of the trees in this biome turn beautiful colors in the autumn season. Furthermore, they lose their leaves in the winter and are replenished when the spring season begins. A number of familiar animals reside in this biome including the cardinal, raccoons, grey squirrels, and deer.
Taiga - Due to its location, the taiga biome is known for its long winter nights and summer days. The winters are very cold while the summers are humid. The plant life most often seen in a taiga is a conifer. One of the most beautiful animal inhabitants of the taiga is the snowshoe rabbit.Â
- Creating a Desert Diorama
- Tour of the Amazon Rainforest
- Facts about Grasslands
- Qualities of a Temperate Deciduous Forest
- Learn about a Taiga Forest
- Features of a Tundra
- Tour of a Tundra
Freshwater Ecosystems
There are several categories included under the heading of freshwater ecosystems. Rivers, streams, ponds, lakes, and wetlands are all examples. Rivers are created when it rains and adds water to a little stream on a tiny area of ground. The water then runs over the side of a hill and ends up joining a river. Furthermore, many lakes join with river systems. Alternatively, a pond is shallow body of water that has its own collection of growing plants. Wetlands are areas of water that are sometimes known as marshes, swamps, or bogs. They contain animal and plant life that are important to our earth's environment.
- Wetlands Activities and Games (PDF)
- Studying Ponds Lesson Plan
- A Variety of Information on Water
- Web Quest that Explains the Importance of Wetlands
- Facts on Freshwater Biomes to Help with a Homework Assignment
- Learn about Animals that Live in Freshwater Ecosystems
Marine Ecosystems
Marine ecosystems involve oceans and shorelines. Many types of animals make their home on or near shorelines where the environment is constantly changing. Several birds live near the shoreline including the herring gull and the kingfisher. Tropical and temperate oceans are also a part of marine ecosystems. The coral reef grows in the tropical ocean and contains many interesting sea creatures. The gray whale is one well-known inhabitant of the temperate ocean environment.
- Profile of a Beach
- Information and Activities about the Beach (PDF)
- Facts about the Ocean
- An Interesting Comparison of Temperate and Tropical Oceans
- A Coral Reef Fish Counting Activity
- Lesson Plan on Ocean Life
The biomes all have their own unique qualities and characteristics. A person studying the features of the various biomes can't help but admire the diversity of the earth's environments.
This article was published by Chad Kremp