You'll love your wedding flowers because I love my kitchen.

Red Rose and Stephanotis Bridal Bouquet

Chad Kremp

I am a florist who believes you should love your wedding flowers. As a wedding consultant and designer, I meet with brides nearly every day to talk about flowers for their weddings. I love what I do and along with our nearly 60 years in business to back me up, I can say we are pretty darn great at what we do.

Purple Garden Bridal Bouquet love your wedding flowers

And here's the thing: I know it's not about me. It's not my wedding. It's the BRIDE'S wedding. Ok, its really the couple's wedding, but you know what I mean. Just like my kitchen wasn't the kitchen designer's kitchen. Stay with me here. Kitchens? Wedding flowers? What? Words of wisdom will follow shortly--pinky swear.

Teal and White Bouquet love your wedding flowers

Years ago, I was planning a kitchen remodel. Every designer tried to convince me to put a cook top on the island. I didn't want a cook top on the island. But that's the trend they said. Surely then, you will want to put your sink in the island”that's really hot right now. I didn't want the sink in the island either. What a boring client I was. It was important to me that our kitchen fit our style, not necessarily what the trends said our kitchen should look like. And guess what? I took their advice on lots of things, stuck to my guns on the island, and 14 years later I still love my kitchen. When brides ask me What do you think I should do? Or after a bride shows me 20 inspiration photos that are very clearly the look they are going for, yet still asks Do you think something else would be better? It is very easy for me to follow up with this very truthful statement: My goal is that you love your wedding flowers. That means on your wedding day your wedding flowers will take your breath away. And 20 years from now when you open your wedding album and see pictures of your wedding flowers, your breath is taken away by them for a second time. You see, as a designer, I feel trends should be strictly for inspiration”something that might give a fresh twist to our products. Trends should not be the reason you make a design decision. Get what speaks to you. Ask for the elements that will make you happy--that will make love your wedding flowers, now, and in 20 years. Even if the hippest designers say that is solo last year.

Red Rose and Stephanotis Bridal Bouquet love your wedding flowers

Now certainly, if I think the bride is on a crash course to what could be truly awful, I will not hesitate in offering a few tweaks or suggestions. I'll discuss that in a future blog post.

I know I'm happy every time I put a pan on my traditionally located stove and then move it to the traditionally located sink under the window overlooking the back yard. My kitchen island is just the way I wanted it: a long uninterrupted expanse. Well, except for the gigantic pile of mail, and the cereal box my husband doesn't put back, and the garlic powder from last night's dinner And I still love it.

I want nothing more than for you to love your wedding flowers ”pinky swear.

Written by Leslie Kremp, wedding consultant at Kremp Florist

Want to meet and talk about your dream wedding flowers, or swap kitchen island stories? Give us a call to arrange for a free consultation. 215-657-6700

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