How To Get The Most Out Of Your Poinsettia

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Poinsettia

Chad Kremp

PoinsettiaThe Poinsettia Season is here!

For many people, the holiday season means POINSETTIA SEASON! Poinsettias are a beautiful, festive plant that many use as Holiday Decor to bring some life and beauty into any room! Although poinsettias come in a variety of colors and sizes, they all seem to have one question unanswered- how do you get the most out of your poinsettia?! We have heard hundreds of stories of people purchasing a poinsettia at the beginning of the Holiday Season and it not lasting until the big day- Christmas! Well do not worry! We have some key instructions that will ensure that you are providing the proper care to your beautiful, little holiday addition that will make sure you get the MOST out of your Poinsettia!

We'll start from the top! - Picking out your Poinsettia:

Choosing Poinsettias

When deciding on which poinsettia is the one for you, there a couple things you should look for. The poinsettia's coloring should be vibrant and bright. In addition to the vibrant coloring, your poinsettia should also have a noticeable fullness. The leaves on your poinsettia should have a dark green appearance, any plant whose leaves are fading into a yellow, starting to drop, or even broken- that is not the poinsettia for you! Many have found just looking for those simple characteristics is successful in maintaining a season-long poinsettia. If you find that is too stressful, don't worry! Just give us a call and we'll send you a beautiful one!  

Once you have selected your Poinsettia, it's time for the proper watering!

So now you are home, or maybe in your office, with your new festive plant! The colors are radiating and the leaves are dark green and fresh- you can't wait to pick exactly where to place this new piece of decor to really bring in the holiday season! But first, let's make sure that it is watered correctly! Poinsettias don't like wet feet! First, you will start by removing the plant from the foil or decorative cover. Place that to the side to get ready to water your plant! Next, you will be watering your poinsettia thoroughly in a sink or a bath tub. You will start to notice that some excess water will drain out of your pot- that is GOOD! The soil is soaking up the proper amount of water that your poinsettia needs to thrive! Once that is done, you may place your poinsettia back into its decorative container/ cover! Make sure to take notice of the weight of your well watered plant!

Now that you have a well-watered poinsettia, let's pick the perfect spot!

Your poinsettia is beautiful, watered, and ready to find its home! Maybe it will look great on an end table in your living room or next to a filing cabinet in your office! No matter where you're thinking of placing your poinsettia, here's some things to remember: Beautiful Poinsettia - Lighting: You want to keep your poinsettia in a bright location, but avoid direct sunlight! - Temperature: You want to keep your poinsettia in an environment at room temperature- that is where they thrive the most! Try to avoid placing your plant in areas with cold drafts or hot air (heaters). ** You should never expose the plant to temperatures below 55 degrees Fahrenheit. ** Each day when you are admiring your beautiful, festive addition make sure to pick up your plant and take notice of the weight! Once it becomes noticeably lighter, its time to re-water your plant the same way as you did the first time! Continually repeat these steps!   PERFECT! You are all set! You have a perfectly watered poinsettia placed in a bright room at room temperature away from heaters and cool drafts! It is bringing the perfect amount of Holiday Spirit that your environment needed and you are getting millions of compliments! - WHO KNEW!    

Happy Holidays!

Lovely Poinsettias
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