How to Find Flowers For a Funeral Online

flowers for a funeral

Chad Kremp

flowers for a funeral

Ordering flowers online can be so overwhelming! Your loved ones are hurting and you want to find the perfect flowers for a funeral. Unfortunately, with so many options, it can be hard to choose. What company should you order from? What type of arrangement is appropriate? What is the perfect type of flower?

Step 1. Choose an Online Florist

To help you choose which company to order flowers from, look into their customer service, online testimonials and reviews. During a funeral you have enough going on that you don't want to be worried about whether your flowers will arrive on time.

Make sure that you choose a reputable company so that you can rest assured that the correct flower arrangement will arrive in a timely manner. You also want to choose a company that has the quality you need and the support if you need to create a custom flower arrangement.

flowers for a funeral

Step 2. Choose a Floral Arrangement

The next thing that you need to do is choose what type of floral arrangement you would like to order. Your relationship to the deceased individual is important because that dictates who you buy the flowers for and what type you order. If you are a direct family member, then you may need to buy a larger floral arrangement than someone who is a friend or peripherally related.

There are a few different types of floral arrangements to choose from. A full-sized casket spray is generally used with a closed casket and a half-sized spray is used with an open casket. You can also choose an inside piece to fit in the casket. Outside of the casket, usually there is a series of standing sprays, funeral baskets and bouquets. You will want to consider your budget when choosing a flower arrangement to order, because there is a wide range in prices associated with sprays.

If you are indirectly related to the deceased individual or a friend of the deceased individual's relative, you don't need to buy flowers for the funeral itself. Instead you may want to order sympathy flowers for that friend. This can be a small bouquet or flower arrangement that is sent directly to your mourning friend or relative.

Step 3. Choose Flower Species

When deciding what type of flowers that you want to order, you need to think about your loved one's personality and preferences. For example, someone who truly tried to enjoy every moment of life might have wanted something more colorful, where someone who appreciated formality might have appreciated something more somber.

Flower types and colors also have specific symbolic meanings. For example, a lily represents innocence and the return of the departed's soul. A red rose symbolizes love and a yellow rose symbolizes friendship. Glandoli's represent strength of character and carnations symbolize remembrance and admiration.

flowers for a funeral

Step 4. Choose Shipping Destination

Once you have chosen exactly what type of flower arrangement you want to order, you need to decide when and where you want it delivered. If you ordered flowers for the casket, you want them to arrive before any of the viewings. If you are ordering a small bouquet of flowers, you simply need them to arrive before the funeral is scheduled. Flowers that are supposed to go to a specific person aren't in as much of a time crunch, but you want to make sure that they are delivered to that person's home address instead of the funeral home. Depending on the floral service you choose, you can expect to have options from same day delivery to 2 day delivery.

Funerals can be stressful, but ordering flowers does not have to be. Find a dependable flower company with only a few clicks. Then you can find the perfect flowers for a funeral with only a few more. You can be thoughtful, caring and sensitive without even leaving your house.

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