Getting Ready For Spring! With deep snow and cold temperatures outside, it's hard to believe that we will be out in the garden with dirt on our hands in no time. There's no better way to beat cabin fever than to get a jump on planning the great things that you are going to do in your yard to get ready for spring. Grab a cup of coffee, curl up in front of the fire with your dog, a blanket and your ipad or laptop and start dreaming. Make getting ready for spring something that you look forward to each year.
Remember that section of the yard that didn't get as much sun as you thought it would where your petunias didn't do so well? How about that hook on the porch where you couldn't decide what to hang there and it stayed empty all summer? Where's the best place to hang that birdhouse that your kids made for you at school?

This hand made bird house is perfect for your garden and the visiting chickadees. The internet has all of the answers to questions about getting ready for spring and now is the time to find them. Start out by searching for answers to your specific questions and see where it takes you. You'll not only find that petunias don't do well in the shade, but also that there are countless options to bring color to that area that you never knew existed. That empty hanger? There are so many more options than the same old hanging baskets that you see on all of your neighbor's porches. The birdhouse? What size is the hole on the house and what birds will use it? How high and where should it be hung so that the birds will find it an attractive place to call home? Every year, plant breeders release new improved varieties of all of your favorite plants, as well as brand new introductions that have never been available before. Whether it's a new color of an old standby, a new trailing growth habit on a plant that has always grown upright or a hybrid that takes a shade plant and allows it to grow in full sun, you are sure to find something that will perfectly fit your needs. Some suggestions to make getting ready for spring easy: Draw a rough sketch of your gardens with dimensions and notes on sun exposure. Surf through garden sites to find what you would like to plant in each area and how many of each plants you will need. By putting a list together now you'll spend less time reading labels and scratching your head at the store and more time planting the perfect garden.

Alyssum hanging baskets in gorgeous colors Old standbys like fuchsias, geraniums and new guinea impatiens make for some great hanging baskets, but there are lots of exciting options available today. Names like lobularia, calibrachoa, portulaca and scaevola won't be any more confusing or intimidating than impatiens, petunia or begonia if you take the time to learn about them now. You'll find that there will almost certainly be plants that will out perform those same old duds that you stick there each year. You will feel a sense of accomplishment when that wren or chickadee starts checking out that house that you hung in that spot intending to specifically attract that bird. While learning about their housing preferences, take some time to research what the best food is to put out for them. You'll find that suet and peanuts are often a better choice than plain old bird seed. A bird bath will likely attract as many birds as the feeders so find a good place for one of those too! Putting together a good plan now goes a long way towards getting the garden ready for spring. Take the time to figure things out now while youre stuck inside so that you can better enjoy being outside in a couple of months! Article submitted by Steve Kremp, Head Grower for Kremp Florist/Kremp Cutting Gardens and Greenhouses.