11 Unusual Uses For Flowers

11 Unusual Uses For Flowers

Chad Kremp

Bqt-Black-Finess-RoseA flower is the perfect embodiment of both beauty and function. When gazing upon the beauty of flowers, most of us are too spellbound to think about how useful they are. In fact, I'll bet that some flower uses will even surprise you! Here are 11 unusual uses for flowers that sure to entertain you. Air Cleaners It is easy for air pollutants to build up in indoor spaces. One way to reduce air pollution is through the use of houseplants, which NASA has found reduce volatile organic compounds. Plants absorb the VOCs through their leaves and break them down in their root systems. One of the most popular house plants that are fashionable while beneficial is the Sansevieria 'Starfish' (pictured below). It is popular for its ability to purify air. It actually turns CO2 into oxygen, while requiring a minimal amount of care, making this a great plant selection for bed rooms, living spaces, and offices! They also reduce dust and increase humidity. Some flowering plants that are especially good as air filters are Orchids, Mums, and Gerbera Daisies. IMG_4298 Aromatherapy In aromatherapy, essential oils made from plant leaves and flowers are used to improve physical and mental health. Lavender, geranium, eucalyptus and chamomile are a few very popular oils used in aromatherapy. Research on cancer patients has shown that aromatherapy has reduced stress and anxiety as well as nausea. The soothing scents are used in different things like soaps, lotions, bath bombs, candles, incense, and more! Whichever way you decide to enjoy them- sit back, relax, and allow the essential oils' beautiful aromas to wrap around you like a soft duvet. Radiation Absorbers This unusual fact even surprised me! I have always been a fan of sunflowers, for many reasons — and now I have another one. Scientists have found that sunflowers take radioactive contaminants out of the soil. Of course, the sunflowers then contain the toxic materials, but it is easier to dispose of the plant material than the soil. Sunflowers were used in Chernobyl and are now being planted in Fukushima.
Landscape Decor & SecurityIMG_5269 Planting thorny, dense shrubs around your home and especially under your windows is an excellent way to add a little personality and style. With various breeds, styles, and variations available, your yard is your canvas to create landscape masterpiece! Azalea, Tulips, Hyacinth, Hydrangea, Easter Lily, and more will bring a pure, natural beauty that will provide your yard with that completed look. Beauty is not the only thing that these little plants will provide! Planting shrubs, bushes, and other outdoor plant-life will bring security and privacy as well. Climbing and rambling rosebushes, firethorn, and flowering quince are perfect for this and are beautiful and fragrant. Additionally, they provide a natural privacy fence. Party Theme I was once part of a gardening club that celebrated the blooming of certain flowers every year by having viewing parties. Members would hold moonflower, tulip, and lily viewing parties, for example. I have to tell you, there is nothing more breathtaking than a moonlit garden party. Flower viewing parties are not a new idea; in Japan, cherry blossom viewing is extremely popular, and they also hold chrysanthemum festivals. If you don't want to have a party dedicated to a certain flower, there are also many interesting ways to incorporate flowers into your party. Clothing Every year, the Chicago Park District puts on a runway fashion show featuring dresses made of flowers. They are truly spectacular and surprising. However, this is not the only place you will find dresses made of flowers. One Chinese man had a dress made from 9, 999 roses made for his fiancée…talk about making other men look bad! On a more practical note, fibers from flowering plants such as flax and cotton are very important in the textile industry. Jewelry When you think of flower jewelry, do you think of daisy chain necklaces and bracelets from childhood? Well, flower jewelry isn't just for kids. Pressed, dried flowers can be embedded in clear resin to form pendants, earrings, bracelets, and rings. They can also be sandwiched between glass and soldered. New jewelry findings include shadowbox pendants that can easily be filled with dried flowers from a wedding bouquet or a summer garden — it's a fun hobby, so give it a try! Pesticides Although most flowers attract insects, some repel them. Pyrethrins are produced by certain types of chrysanthemum flowers. The flowers are dried and the oils or powders are extracted, resulting in a natural insecticide. Some species of marigolds are used to make nematode repellents. These are just two flowers that are used to make pesticides — there are many more. Drugs It probably comes as no surprise that some drugs, both legal and illegal, are made from plants and flowers. What is surprising is how many medicines and drugs are made from plants… it's hard to even count them all. It is even more surprising to read the historical and homeopathic uses of some of these flowers. For example, did you know that there is a flower known as peek-a-boo plant that was used to treat toothaches? When chewed, the odd-looking flowers cause numbness of the mouth and drooling. Entertainment for Kids The flower garden can be a fun and exciting place for young children. The daisy chain necklace is a perennial favorite. Or make hollyhock dolls; simply cut off a hollyhock flower and bud for the body, then attach another bud for the head using a toothpick. Draw a face on it with markers. Another fun flower is the snapdragon — if you squeeze the sides of a snapdragon flower, the “mouth†will open and it can eat things. The money plant, or lunaria, has papery, round seed pods that can be used as play money. For the science-lover, conduct science experiments with white carnations and food coloring to demonstrate how flowers “drink†water.
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